In light of the multiple thousands of denominations existing over and against Je...
The Elder Leadership Institute (ELI) began several years ago under the direction of Sara Singleton, and later Lisa Johnson became the assistant director. At that time, the ELI program was a ministry under the Fellowship of Presbyterians. A little less than two years ago, the ministry was given over to Flourish: a ministry arm of ECO that serves churches of different denominations. When the ministry moved to Flourish, Lisa became ELI’s new director.
Since that time, we have continued to see PC(USA) congregations engage in the ELI process, and even a few Lutheran churches participate. But we have seen an even larger number of ECO churches enroll in this ministry, and several presbyteries participate or express a desire to participate. Over time, Lisa noticed a need from ECO congregations to take the ELI material and modify it, infusing specific language and culture to help our congregations live out the polity and ethos of ECO. Therefore, we will utilize Lisa’s part time work more for ECO specific projects as a Director of Lay Leadership Development.
In this role she will help the upcoming “Becoming a Flourishing Church” initiative as well as retool the ELI material and develop new material to specifically enhance ECO congregations. For those that have done or are doing the ELI material, you will still have access to all of the original material as well as free access to NEW material associated with an ECO version of ELI when it comes out in the fall. Congregations outside of ECO will still be able to sign up for the existing program through Flourish. Stay tuned for more information!