Church Planting

Church Planting

We are hoping and praying that God’s Spirit is at work throughout the country raising up new leaders exactly like you who will answer the call to expand the reach of God’s Kingdom.

Charting New Paths: Innovative Leadership in Church Planting

Leaders within church planting networks across the country are radically rethinking and readjusting church planting strategies in their denominations and networks.

We are seeking to be a church planting denomination at a time when the landscape of church planting is changing drastically.

Discover and Discern

Our Church Planting Process

View/download our Church Planting Process Overview for Church Planters

Our Church Planting Resources

View/download our Church Planting Library of Resources for official planters.

Church Planting Accelerator Grant

In order to better accomplish our Leadership Development Initiatives and Church Planting Vision, we have created a grant with the purpose accelerating existing church plants.

Interested in planting a church with ECO?

To begin a conversation about church planting or if you have any questions, please fill out the form below and we will be in touch with you shortly!

Church Planting Contact Form
Which best applies to you?
Example: My family and I are feeling led to plant a church. I’m going through ECO’s ordination process and I’m passionate about reaching the lost. I’d love to talk with someone about the best way to move forward!


If you are looking to give to church planting, you can do so by clicking the button below and selecting “Church Planting” from the list of fund designation.