Feeling God’s pull I was born and raised in Miami, so I am one of those ra...
By: ECO Team
These are exciting times for us in ECO! Many of our presbyteries are multiplying. I have had the privilege of being the MPT chair for the past two years for the Presbytery of Northern California, Nevada and Hawaii. Now, as Moderator, I am facilitating the transition from one presbytery into two. We are now becoming the Presbytery of Northern California and Nevada, (which I will continue to moderate) and Bluewater Presbytery, which will consist of the churches in the Northwestern side of California and Hawaii.
An administrator by nature, I’m enjoying these times of change and adaptation. I’m that crazy person that likes creatingorder out of chaos. It’s been an incredible experience these past few years to help so many churches enter ECO, figure out what to do next, and now see the culmination of that work as those same churches move out into their own presbyteries. In many respects it’s like birthing a child! Maybe better, since I can’t seem to figure out how to get my own children to leave the nest! ☺
Speaking of children, I have four young adult children- three handsome young men and one adorable daughter. Along with our rescue puppy named Carter, the two dogs my daughter brought home from college (there’s a story for you), and my father, we have a full house–and I wouldn’t change places with anyone! In addition to my work as Moderator, I work full time as the Director of Business Services for a local County Agency. I’m an elder at Trinity United Presbyterian Church in Modesto, CA. When I have time, I enjoy taking a rotation teaching Sunday Christian Education, leading a small group, reading, and watching anything with “NCIS” in the title! I’d like to learn more about discipleship…What are people doing in this area? I’d love to hear your experiences if anyone would care to share. Please e-mail me at address below.
My walk with the Lord has been a lifelong journey. Starting with the faith of a child, the Lord has worked his love into my life using his full arsenal! Music, the study of the Word, friends, mentors, pastors, devotions, pain, heartache and joy (to name a few) have all acted as watersheds deepening my faith walk and drawing me closer to Him. Most notable, the simple songs I heard over and over as a young mother volunteering in our children’s programs were like a balm to my soul. I cannot stress how important it is to pour out our resources into our young ones’ hearts. That same work is overflowing into all the adults around them as well.
I love the Lord with all my heart, soul, what’s left of my mind, and strength. I could not imagine a single day going by without leaning on his strength. Philippians 4:4-7 states, “Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” I pray this same peace to all of you.
If you would like more information about us here in Northern CA/NV, feel free to e-mail me at terribmcnabb@gmail.com. We would love to have you come and visit one of our churches here in Northern California and Nevada! Be prepared to feel welcomed and loved.
Feeling God’s pull I was born and raised in Miami, so I am one of those ra...
The challenge of moderating a new presbytery Becoming the Moderator of the Presb...
Growing and serving together The two years I’ve been a part of ECO have been amo...