Partner With Us to Fuel Our Movement
Together, we can make an eternal impact.
ECO is a movement fueled by the generosity of churches and individuals across the country
Giving Options
Choose a Specific Fund or Cause
Direct your support to the General Fund or a specific ECO cause.
Give a One-Time Gift or Reoccurring
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How to Give
Give as a Church
Give a one-time gift or set up auto-giving on our online giving portal. You can also include your donation with your church’s regular ECO annual support or send a check to our office.
Give as an Individual
Give a one-time gift or set up auto-giving through our online giving portal.
Give Online
Make a one-time gift or set up recurring support.
By Check
Checks may be mailed to our business office in Colorado: 300 Garden of the Gods Rd, Ste. 130, Colorado Springs, CO 80907
With Cash
You will have an opportunity to give with cash at the annual National Gathering.
Church Planting
We believe that churches and networks of churches should plant new churches. As a denomination, ECO provides some services at a national level to catalyze church planting. Your gift will reduce the cost of the church planter assessment process, provide accounting and other administrative services to networks and churches, provide the MissionInsite demographic tool to all new and existing churches, and reduce the cost of the ongoing training for church planters.
Leadership Development
ECO is committed to multiplying leadership effectiveness by nurturing current leaders and raising up a new generation of leaders. Your gift will resource local events for pastor training, obtain top-quality trainers to create custom leadership development content for churches and leaders, and provide scholarships for local and national conferences.
Global Missions
As ECO fulfills its mission of building flourishing churches, we will live into our Core Values. One of those Core Values is Missional Centrality, defined as “living out the whole of the Great Commission – including evangelism, spiritual formation, compassion, and redemptive justice – in our communities and around the world.” For this reason, we have a priority on global engagement to support ECO congregations in their contribution to the Great Commission. Because ECO seeks to function differently than traditional denominations, our mission approach emphasizes the role of the local church in mission globally.
General Fund
ECO is committed to maintaining low administrative costs and only requiring 1% of a congregation’s annual budgeted expenses toward local and national ECO support. This is ordinarily less than congregations are contributing in other denominations. Your gift will resource foundational costs associated with ECO, as well as any of the special areas noted here.
Focusing on Church Planting, Leadership Development and Flourish Institute of Theology
At the core of our vision is the development of both lay and vocational leaders who will enthusiastically be able to strengthen existing churches as well as start new congregations and micro-expressions of church. These flourishing churches and micro-expressions will develop mature disciples who can carry the gospel into their local communities and throughout the world.
Is this donation tax deductible?
ECO A CONVENANT ORDER OF EVANGELICAL PRESBYTERIANS is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization and your donation is tax-deductible within the guidelines of U.S. law. To claim a donation as a deduction on your U.S. taxes, please keep your email donation receipt as your official record. We’ll send it to you upon successful completion of your donation.
Can I give by check?
Yes! Checks may be mailed to our business office in Colorado: 300 Garden of the Gods Rd, Ste. 130, Colorado Springs, CO 80907
Can our Church give via ACH to be included in our regular ECO annual support.
To choose this option, fill out this form.
I have more questions about giving, who should I contact?
For more questions about giving, please contact our Financial Admin, Shelby Murphy, at shelby@eco-pres.org. If she doesn’t have the answer, she’ll help direct you to the right person.
Online Giving Form
Have Questions?
If you have any questions about giving to ECO or if you would like someone to talk to your session or mission committee, please fill out the request form below.