National Gathering Uncategorized
July 28, 2014

Dallas in August?!


Counting the days

With apologies to my Texas friends and family, why would anyone want to go to Dallas in August?! Yet, I am counting the days until our 2014 National Gathering there on August 18-20. Not all of my personal reasons for counting the days are featured as prominently in the Gathering publicity. So let me count them off for you.


The speakers do feature prominently in the publicity, and if the excellence of the speakers at previous Gatherings is any indicator, rightly so. Our Gathering’s theme is exciting in and of itself—From Consumerism to Community. I have come home from each Gathering with a head full of ideas and a heart full of encouragement.


What? Yes, business. I’m actually looking forward to the ECO Synod meeting on Monday morning. Why? It will be brief, important, and relevant to fleshing out our barebones new denomination. Instead of contending for the essentials of the faith, it will be building upon them. And that will be a pleasure.


I’m eager to meet new partners in our ECO community and to hug the necks of some old friends who have been through some tough wars to get here. There’s never enough time for this at a Gathering, but I’ll be relishing each and every moment.


Actually, if I’m honest, I’m most excited about this. The promotional video gives some glimpses of worship, but it’s the worship of past Gatherings that has me leaning forward. At past Gatherings, we’ve been met by the Lord in amazing ways. Gratefully, Paul Detterman is again planning the worship, along with some very able partners. Choirs and worship teams from Highland Park Presbyterian and All Nations will lead the music, and the emphases will be God the Father (Monday), Son (Tuesday), and Holy Spirit (Wednesday). Nothing like going to the center of things for a worship focus!

Thus, I’m counting the days. Oh—and one more reason—if we get chilled in the convention center, all we need to do is step outside for one minute into the heat of an August in Texas!

If you haven’t already, the ECO team tells me there’s still time to register—the early bird registration price ends August 1. If you’re on Facebook or Twitter, be sure to follow all the Gathering activity with our very own hashtag: #2014NatlGath. I hope to see you there!

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