In light of the multiple thousands of denominations existing over and against Je...
By: ECO Team
Greetings ECO from one of your newest members, The Gathering at Windsor (TG) in Windsor, CO! We’re posting here to tell you more of our story in coming to ECO and some of our dreams for the next chapter. Circumstances have led us through a rocky season, but we have high hopes and faith as we aspire to a glorious future for the praise of our Lord Jesus!
We are a small church with less than 10 years of history in our northern Colorado community. During that time and under the leadership of the Rev. David Barton, TG increased in number, staff, involvement, and outreach. These were exciting times for all of us. However, as existing staff eventually felt called to other positions in the Church, TG waned and went through a period of discernment. The question became:
do we want to continue to stay a faith-family or do we jettison and go our separate ways and to other churches?
Under great lay-leadership and interim-clergy involvement (thanks Dr. Ed Black), TG community held together and found its new calling under ECO headship. In seven short months, we made the denominational change and also found a new lead-pastor, Rev. Andrew Davies.
Because of the length of the transition-time (even our short one), we now find ourselves back in the new-church-development stage. We are trying to get re-positioned to enter a new season of reaching out to the fast-growing community of Windsor (it has quadrupled in size over the last 20 years to 20,000+).
We seek to push forward in ministry within our church community as well as to those not yet gathered in a new church, development-minded effort. Also, we hope to soon have facility to call our own (for the length of our existence, we’ve set up and tore down in a school gym). Through such an acquisition, we would be attractive again to those scattered and on the fringes. We believe these new assests would open us up for tons of new opportunities:
We even have a specific space in mind—a once-operational grocery store that’s now vacant, but in the middle of our town.
We covet your prayers as we seek ways to advance in these directions! And we hope for your partnership as the only ECO church in northern Colorado. Please pray for us, shake our hands in Dallas as we gather as one faith family, and consider partnering with us in this new season of need and hope.
Grace and peace to you ECO (and those beyond). We look forward to meeting you for the first time in August; onward and upward for us all!
For His glory.
Rev. Andrew Davies, a native Coloradoan, is the new pastor of TG. He’s thrilled to be back in his home state near family and near the mountains. Coming from a non-Christian upbringing, Andrew has a special heart for those who don’t know Jesus and what the Christian faith is really all about. He looks forward to supporting the ECO family in this new season.
In light of the multiple thousands of denominations existing over and against Je...
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