In light of the multiple thousands of denominations existing over and against Je...
By: ECO Team
It was wonderful to be with many of you at the “Strive” National Convention in Newport Beach. I was so encouraged and inspired by the gathering of the body of Christ to worship and the excellent teaching we received. Dana’s words: “We’ve built a denomination, now let’s start a movement” have been echoing in my ears since the Gathering. So many of you travelled long journeys to become a part of ECO. You might be weary and the temptation is to say “We’ve arrived.” But becoming a part of ECO means that your new journey has just begun!
In talking with many of you at the National Gathering I heard a lot of energy and excitement to do God’s kingdom work in new ways and in new places. Many of you are eager to make the 5 Shifts that the ECO leadership has put before us, but aren’t sure where to start. You are all looking for pathways that will help you LIVE INTO the core values of ECO. In order to unleash the laity we need to move our Sessions from the Board Room to the Upper Room. We need to shift our church leaders and staff from being Superintendents of things to being Shepherds of people. If ECO is to become a movement, what is the role of elders? It can’t just be the work of pastors alone.
Elder Leadership Institute is one such pathway. ELI is a holistic resource that exists to equip your Elders and deacons to be effective spiritual leaders who will start a movement. ELI wants to help you LIVE INTO the 5 important shifts that are necessary for our churches to Flourish. We want your church leaders to have a thriving relationship with Christ and be competent in leadership skills.
If Dana’s challenge resonates with you, we invite you to join us for our Immersion Retreat April 21-24, 2016.
Our goal for this retreat is that each person would freshly encounter Christ, receive solid teaching, and go home with some practical tools to help their church make some important shifts. This will be a life-giving retreat for your pastors, elders, deacons and staff. It can help to kick-start the transformation of your entire church!
April 21-24, 2016
Sandy Cove Conference Center, MD
$399 single/ $319 double
OR if 3 or more people attend from same church $299 single/$219 double
Your whole Session or Deacon board and Pastor/s ideally and any staff members that would benefit. Really, any church leaders interested in learning what it means to be an effective spiritual leader. ELI is not just for Elders! (We suggest that at least 2-3 leaders/staff and a pastor attend in order that communal transformation can begin) You do not need to be enrolled in the ELI program to attend. This is a stand-alone retreat and may help you decide if you would like to sign up for ELI as an 18 month long process at your church.
click on “Registration” and scroll down until you see the picture of Sandy Cove. Click “Register here”.
Now! or before March 15th
email me lisa@elderleadership.org
or call 1-800-667-7250 x401
In light of the multiple thousands of denominations existing over and against Je...
My first pastoral call was to the First Presbyterian Church of Winnfield, a litt...
This semester, I’m teaching “The Holy Spirit and the Church.” Our primary textbo...