Thank you for your interest on the topic of racial reconciliation. Here are two organizations you may find helpful as you seek to learn more for yourself and/or your church.
Cultivating the Soul of Reconciliation
Arrabon offers a biblical and pastoral framework for reconciliation. They partner with you and your community to faithfully engage a diverse and divided world.
Empowering Communities to Change the Narrative of Racial Justice
LivingUNDIVIDED provides an opportunity for communities to become educated and engaged in the work of racial healing + justice in our country. Through this shared experience, these communities have been able to move forward feeling equipped + empowered with an aligned mission + vision.
2022 Mosaix Conference – Take To The Wind
In sailing, tacking is a maneuver used by mariners to keep a ship moving when winds have shifted from back to front and it’s otherwise unable to make forward progress.
Similarly, cultural winds have shifted in our lifetime and for all intent and purposes our boat, the collective Church, seems dead in the water. Why? In part because church sails remain fixed for past winds while ministry leaders wait in hope they’ll soon again shift. But they won’t. Those days are gone. Indeed, we are no longer sailing with the wind at our backs… Cultural winds are against us.
In order to advance the gospel, the local church, and the kingdom of God in this day and age as well as in years to come we need now to swing the boom. Indeed, we must tack to the wind.