Global Engagement Video Series and Discussion Guide
Check out the Best Practices for Mission Teams video-based course. Local churches are the primary agents of God’s mission in the world. Equipping mission leaders in your church catalyzes growing mission engagement in your community and the global community.
This video-based small group study is designed to help your church’s mission team/committee explore best practices for leading your church in mission.
Global Engagement Resource Library
This Global Engagement Library is a google doc that you can browse, download, or print. It contains:
- Developing Missiology in the Local Church
- Evaluating Mission Opportunities: Resources and FAQs
- Engaging Your Church in Mission: Resources and FAQs
- Short Term Mission: Resources and FAQs
- Diaspora Mission Resources
- Mission Booklist
Global Engagement News
We have multiple ways to stay updated on all Global Engagement news within ECO. We post new updates and stores on the Blog as well as send out a monthly Global Engagement newsletter.
- Newsletter:
Read the most recent Global Engagement Connection newsletter or subscribe to the monthly e-newsletter.
Contribute to ECO Global Engagement
Would you like to share a mission resource? Would you like to tell the story about your global engagement? We invite you to share your best practices, resources you have found or created, and tell the story of your global engagement.
Please fill out the Global Engagement Sharing form to submit a resource or story. The Director of Global Engagement reviews submissions and schedules them for posting at her discretion.