In light of the multiple thousands of denominations existing over and against Je...
By: ECO Team
At the National Gathering, I indicated that the Executive Staff (myself, Lisa Johnson, John Terech, and Nate Dreesmann) would be reaching out to have individual conversations with every ECO Pastor/Head of Staff in the coming weeks and months. (If you have not yet gotten your invitation for this conversation yet, it’s coming! We are trying to stagger these invitations over time as we seek to fit conversations into our travel schedules and regular responsibilities.) At the same time, we are also talking with each of the 22 different presbytery councils. It has been so wonderful to talk with each of you and we look forward to continuing to connect.
Obviously quite a bit of time is being dedicated to these conversations, and it has been inspiring to hear wonderful ways God has been at work in a challenging season. Our conversations at times have also been heart wrenching as we listen to the struggles and challenges that pastors have faced personally and in the churches. I could write pages upon pages about what I have learned and observed so far, but I thought that in this article I might mention a few reasons we have heard why pastors still feel drained after the challenges of the last couple of years. Believe me, I know it is not just pastors – there is widespread exhaustion and built up anxiety. But since my focus is the life of the church, I feel better prepared to address this challenge coming from pastors specifically.
The challenge for me is that I don’t have the solution. But my hope in at least addressing these issues is that those in the congregation might be able to think and pray how this might apply to their church body and find ways to seek unique solutions in their context. If you are a church leader, perhaps you might pray about some ways that you can support your pastor and help narrow the vision and focus of ministry to those specific things that are vital for the life of the church and your community at this time. Perhaps you may help encourage others around you to re-engage in ministry in order to move the church forward. Maybe this even looks like serving in a different way than you or others have in the past, or intentionally investing in those who have been previously minimally involved. God may be working in new and unexpected ways!
While may not have solutions, or the energy to even look for new ways God is working, we do know that being rooted in the Lord is vitally important. Rest in God, knowing that no matter what, He is in control of all things and holds all things together. May this summer be a time for you to take time to recharge and to listen to where God is leading you. I am so grateful for each and every one of you and your faithfulness and ministry in your churches across ECO!
In Christ,
In light of the multiple thousands of denominations existing over and against Je...
My first pastoral call was to the First Presbyterian Church of Winnfield, a litt...
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