Who We Are
ECO is a growing Presbyterian denomination that exists to serve the local church and reclaim a sense of covenanted biblical community. We have a unique story, purposeful name, committed mission and vision and a livable theology. We are reformed, evangelical and egalitarian and seek to be a movement, not just a denomination.
Reformed. Evangelical. Egalitarian.
One of ECO’s values is “A Livable Theology”. The strength of our faith is how we live out our Reformed beliefs in a relentlessly contextual way.
Demonstrated by:
• Our zealous view that the sovereignty of God drives our ability to risk.
• Our call to deeply influence culture with the Gospel, not just protect theology.
• Our passion that renewed minds lead people to embody their faith in Jesus every day.
ECO is theologically governed by Essential Tenets and further guided by our Confessional Standards.
Find a Church / Presbyteries
In ECO’s Polity, the role of the presbytery is to support, encourage, and be a resource for local congregations. ECO presbyteries are designed to be flexible and to cultivate connection and community among member churches.
Job Board
this feels a little out of place for me now that this page is built. I think it goes in both the Join ECO page and the footer. Doesn’t seem like it belongs here